Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thoughts and Feelings for today.

I would like to know how family members who claim to be devote Christians can condemn and judge and disown other family members. I of course am talking about one of my sisters. She's taken it upon herself quite a few years back to blame our Mother for the problems in her life and to blame me for telling her to stop hurting our Mom, who is now 82 years young.  She claims to be a devoted Christian, goes to Church every week, and good for her. BUT, I'm also a Christian even though I don't attend Church and I didn't know that devoted Christians could be so down right mean and cold blooded. To me, that's not Christian at all. She has told our Mom and myself that SHE is the only one in this family that is going to Heaven. Well, as far as I know, there is only ONE Judgement Day and only ONE Judge, and SHE isn't HIM. How can she even believe what she's saying and doing is even right? My gosh, what she has put this family through over the years. She says that she is only going to associate with people who can help her get further in life. That of course leaves the family out and is her way of telling us so. She snubs her nose at us and thinks she's so much better than the rest of us. It hurts the rest of us. I'm probably doing wrong by talking about it, but sheesh, you need to talk instead of letting things build up inside you. I may not go to Heaven, ( but am hoping I will), but I can't help but think that GOD doesn't condone her actions and she could very well end up in that very hot place she says the rest of us are going. I just don't understand how people can be this way and think they are good and doing GOD'S Work.   Any suggestions or you're own thoughts and feelings on today's topic?
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